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Why did I create La Glisse?

In 2012 I came to Fuerteventura to teach surfing and live a lifestyle where the waves are the protagonists. I had my first experience playing with the wind thanks to a great local friend and from there I began my great passion for kite in 2016 when I decided to become a kite instructor. Surfing helped a lot with my progression as a kitesurfer thanks to the balance on the board and knowing the environment. On the other hand, the kite greatly improved my way of surfing.

During these last years I've been working with a local surf & kite club for kids (CLUB HIJOS DEL MAR) and teaching to a french agency (UCPA). Since there, a lot of people started to ask me if I could teach them so I’ve created a collaboration with one of the local center to get all the material we need for kitesurf lessons.

The main reason why I’ve created my own school In 2019 is because I became a father. I would like to bring my daughter all she need to live her childhood full power. I just decided to be my own boss, instead of being the employee so I can share my experience and love for the world of kite and surf. This is the beginning of an adventure, professionally and humanly, be sure i will give 100%.

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