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Material is now so well designed that we can get away from any potential accident. Just by activating the quick release system of the bar pushing it forward, all the tense lines of your kite will get loosen and you will only remain attached to the safety line. Kite is neutralized. You must know what to do with your kite after releasing it and how to get it back.

Here some examples you should activate your quick release :

  • Kite is looping but I’m not touching the bar.
  • Kite is pulling too much and I can’t walk properly.
  • Something is in between the kite’s lines and disturb the flight.
  • Kite is not behaving normally (broken, deflates, twisted…).
  • Crossed lines with another kite.
  • Nobody can assist me for landing the kite.
  • All types of situations you feel your safety is compromised.

After releasing it, you should get it back using different methods. In deep waters, Self rescue is a must to know to get your material back with you on the beach. In shallow waters, kite recovery has to be quick and well done to avoid any complications. Learn all the safety processes to be prepared in any situation. If you don’t know, you should get supervised by a professional when you ride. Don’t take any risks and be safe !

Have a good and safe ride !

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